Pipeline output
full output (v.0.3.2) an archive of the output produced by the pipeline is available
a browsable output (v.0.1.0) is available for a preview, although for space reasons not all attachments are available.
The pipeline will produce a directory with the following subdirectories:
- fastp_qc (with the QC metrics)
- assembly (with the contigs produced by Megahit)
- mining (with the output of phigaro, vibrant, virfinder, virsorter)
- prodigal (with the gene prediction)
- cd-hit (with the dereplicated vOTUs)
- taxonomy (with the output of Kraken2 and Krona)
- report (with the interactive HTML report)
The report not only summarises graphically the output of the pipeline, but also contains hyperlinks to relevant files:
- The count table
- The taxonomy table
- PhyloSeq object
- PhyloSeq object, with normalized counts (css)
- The multifasta set of viral OTUs
- The multifasta set of proteins predicted in the viral OTUs
- The annotation (GFF) of the viral OTUs