Metadata file

The required metadata file is a CSV file. The first column has to be Sample, and there are no other requirements. Other columns can be used for plotting or diversity analysis.


The following metadata (subset from Liang et al 2020):

Sample Infant_feeding Infant_formula_type Infant_delivery_type Infant_gender
Sample3218 Formula cow-milk based C-Section Male
Sample3221 Formula cow-milk based C-Section Male
Sample3248 Formula cow-milk based C-Section Male
Sample3247 Formula soy-protein based C-Section Female
Sample3084 Formula cow-milk based Vaginal delivery Female
Sample2914 Formula cow-milk based Vaginal delivery Female
Sample2969 Formula cow-milk based Vaginal delivery Male

Can be recorded as CSV as follows:

Sample3218,Formula,cow-milk based,C-Section,Male
Sample3221,Formula,cow-milk based,C-Section,Male
Sample3248,Formula,cow-milk based,C-Section,Male
Sample3247,Formula,soy-protein based,C-Section,Female
Sample3084,Formula,cow-milk based,Vaginal delivery,Female
Sample2914,Formula,cow-milk based,Vaginal delivery,Female
Sample2969,Formula,cow-milk based,Vaginal delivery,Male